So, you want to delete users with the Azure AD Graph API? Good luck with that!

You might think that deleting users using the Azure AD Graph API would be pretty straightforward right?  You already have a registered application that succeeds in updating and creating new users.  This link doesn’t provide any warnings about hidden dragons or secret pitfalls.

Rest assured, there is at least one gotcha that’s primed to eat your lunch when it comes to deleting users.  Fortunately for you, True Believers, I’m here to show you how you too can quickly overcome this less than obvious configuration issue.

According the the Azure AD Graph Reference deleting user the is a simple operation.  All you have to do is send the HTTP Verb “DELETE” to the URL of the user you want to delete.


The user_id can be the UserPrincipalName. In other words, the E-mail address of the user.

As an example, I will delete a pesky AD user named “John Doe”.  This John Doe character has got to go!


I use PostMan to to get my API calls properly formatted.  It also helps to ferret out problems with permissions or configurations. This helps me to *know* that it works before I write my first line of application code.

Note: Notice that I have an OAuth Bearer token specified in the header.  I won’t cover how I got this token in this post.  If you want to know more about how I acquire tokens for Console Applications send me an E-mail!


Assuming you have your tenant ID, user ID, and OAuth token all set correctly then all you need to do is click “Send”.  Your user is deleted as expected… right?

NOPE! you encounter the following JSON error response:

“odata.error”: {
“code”: “Authorization_RequestDenied”,
“message”: {
“lang”: “en”,
“value”: “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”

Your first reaction may be verify that your application registration is assigned the proper permissions on the AD Graph.  However, there is no permission that allows you to delete. You can only get variations of Reading and Writing.


What do you do?  If you Google Bing around a bit you will find that your Application needs to be assigned an administrative role in Azure. It needs a ServicePrincipal.  So, off you go searching the competing, overlapping, portals of Azure trying to figure out how to assign an application roles within a resource.  You may even be successful.  We weren’t.

I had to use remote PowerShell to add my application to the appropriate role in order to delete users from AD.


I used instructions from this MSDN article to download and install the Azure AD Module.  First I downloaded the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals RTW.  Next, I grabbed the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (64-bit version).  Once I had my PowerShell environment up and running, I cobbled together a quick script to Add my Application registration to the “User Account Administration” role.  Here is how I did it!


# Log me into my MSDN tenant using an account I set up as “global admin”.
$tenantUser = ‘’
$tenantPass = convertto-securestring ‘Hawa5835!’ -asplaintext -force
$tenantCreds = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $tenantUser, $tenantPass

Connect-MsolService -Credential $tenantCreds

# Get the Object ID of the application I want to add as a SPN.
$displayName = “MyAppRegistrationName”
$objectId = (Get-MsolServicePrincipal -SearchString $displayName).ObjectId

# Set the Role name and the Add the Application as a member of the Role.
$roleName = “User Account Administrator”
Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleName $roleName -RoleMemberType ServicePrincipal -RoleMemberObjectId $objectId


If you execute the PowerShell above (and it’s successful) then you can attempt to invoke the API again.  Click Send!


Notice this time PostMan returns an HTTP status of 204 (no content).  This is the appropriate response for a DELETE.  Let’s check our tenant to ensure Jon Snow is dead or rather John Doe is deleted.


He’s gone!  You are good to go.


Azure is a dynamic, new technology.  Documentation is changing almost daily. It can be frustrating to navigate the changing landscape of marketing terms and portals.

All the information you need to sort out this error is out there. However, I found it to be scattered and not exactly applicable to what I was doing.  The PowerShell snippets existed in parts, one to log in to a remote tenant, one to add the role.  This post simply serves to bring the information together so you can quickly get past this problem and on to writing more code.





So, you want to delete users with the Azure AD Graph API? Good luck with that!

One thought on “So, you want to delete users with the Azure AD Graph API? Good luck with that!

  1. Tony Woods says:

    Hey Chris! Is this designed for a Hybrid AD environment? If so, is the intent to just delete an id from an Azure app? What are the implications if you’re in a Hybrid AD environment?


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